© 2025 Just Cats Veterinary Clinic Ltd
Just Cats Veterinary Clinic
Opening Hours
Wednesday *
Thursday *
09:15 -
09:15 -
09:15 -
09:15 -
09:15 -
[Closed Bank Holidays]
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Telephone :
01704 544640
Fax :
01704 532593
Veterinary consultation by appointment only. Please contact the clinic if you would like to arrange an appointment.
Additional Hours
Wednesday & Thursday
Evening surgery 17:30 -
Wednesday *
Thursday *
Vaccines can be divided into core vaccines and non-
How frequently should my cat be vaccinated?
All cats should receive a primary core vaccination course of two injections three to four weeks apart, commencing from 8-
The current vaccine manufacturers' recommendations are for annual vaccinations, as the product licenses have been based on immunity studies of one year's duration.
“At Just Cats we believe that where evidence supports it we should avoid over vaccinating”
Our Policy is to follow the European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases guide lines on vaccinations:
Cat Flu Viruses (Herpes/Calicivirus)
Kittens have 2 injections 3-
Cats whose vaccines have lapsed but have had a kitten course will be given one injection to re-
Enteritis Virus (panleukopaenia)
Kitten course as above (mixed with flu vaccines)
Booster injection(with flu vaccine) given after 1 year and then 3 yearly after that.
Feline Leukaemia (for cats that go outdoors)
Kitten Course as above (mixed with flu vaccines).
Annual booster till aged 2 years then every 2-
If you have any questions regarding our policy please ask.
Vaccinations for Catteries
Cats that stay at boarding catteries will require an annual flu viruses vaccination in order that the cattery's insurance is valid and because it is one of the higher risk areas. This should be given at least two weeks before boarding.
Core vaccines
Feline panleukopenia (enteritis)
Feline panleukopenia virus causes a severe and often fatal disease. Vaccination is very effective and has thankfully reduced the incidence of the disease substantially. However, where susceptible populations of cats exist, it is highly infectious. In addition, the virus can survive in the environment.
Feline herpesvirus (cat flu)
Once infected with feline herpesvirus cats will exhibit flu-
Feline calicivirus (cat flu)
Like herpesvirus, calicivirus causes cat flu, often with oral ulceration. Cats may either rid themselves of the disease or become chronically infected. Many different strains of calicivirus exist, with the vaccines being aimed at the more serious strains. The presence of different strains, and the ability of cats to become chronically infected (possibly as young kittens before first vaccination) explains why some cats may still show evidence of calicivirus infection, even though they have been vaccinated. However, as for herpesvirus, vaccination is still recommended to reduce the frequency and severity of clinical signs.
Feline leukaemia virus (FeLV)
FeLV is spread in saliva. Cats can become infected through mutual grooming, sharing food and water bowls, or from bites from infected cats. In addition, kittens may become infected via placental transmission, and the virus may be spread at mating. Multi-
Chlamydophila felis
A bacterial infection with Chlamydophila felis causes conjunctivitis and upper respiratory tract disease. Young kittens are most susceptible, often at an age when they are too young to be vaccinated. Most cases are managed with appropriate antibiotics, rather than vaccination, but vaccination may be appropriate where there is an endemic problem within a multi-
Bordetella bronchiseptica
A bacterial infection with Bordetella bronchiseptica can cause respiratory tract signs such as coughing or pneumonia. It is one of the agents that may be responsible for ‘kennel cough' in dogs. Cats most at risk are those in multi-
What problems may be associated with vaccination
Side effects from vaccines are very rare, especially in view of the thousands of doses that are administered every year. The most common side effects are very mild, and include lethargy, inappetence or tenderness at the injection site. More marked side effects may include vomiting, diarrhoea, lameness, fever, signs of respiratory tract infection, or lumps at the site of injection. Kittens and young cats appear to be more likely to develop problems than older cats. Another adverse effect that may be reported is lack of efficacy. Whilst this may be due to genuine vaccine failure, it may also be due to infection before vaccination, or a deficient immune system resulting in an inability by the cat to mount an immune response.
Vaccination is generally a safe procedure that has substantially reduced the incidence of serious disease within the feline population. That said, vaccines are not entirely without risk, and appropriate and judicious use is indicated.
For information about our vaccination policy click here.