© 2025 Just Cats Veterinary Clinic Ltd
Just Cats Veterinary Clinic
Opening Hours
Wednesday *
Thursday *
09:15 -
09:15 -
09:15 -
09:15 -
09:15 -
[Closed Bank Holidays]
Contact us by e-
Click here for a map of our location.
Telephone :
01704 544640
Fax :
01704 532593
Veterinary consultation by appointment only. Please contact the clinic if you would like to arrange an appointment.
Additional Hours
Wednesday & Thursday
Evening surgery 17:30 -
Wednesday *
Thursday *
General health check
A general health check for your cat includes examination of its eyes, ears, mouth, teeth and skin. We also listen to your cat’s heart and lungs using a stethoscope as well as checking its abdomen for irregularities. Your cat’s weight will be recorded at each visit as fluctuations can be a significant indicator of health problems.
Advice will also be provided on flea and worm treatments as well as neutering if appropriate. We will also provide advice on your cat’s diet, particularly if your cat is underweight or overweight.
Vaccinations are an important part of taking care of your cat as they offer protection against diseases which can be extremely debilitating as well as life threatening. We routinely vaccinate against cat flu, Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Infectious Enteritis. These vaccines can safely be started from 8 weeks of age with booster vaccinations given yearly.
For more information about vaccinations please see our Vaccinations information page.
Please note that all catteries should insist on your cat being vaccinated against flu and enteritis before they can be admitted for boarding. Most pet insurance plans also stipulate that your cat must be vaccinated for the insurance cover to be valid.
The spaying of female cats involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries and castration of male cats involves the removal of the testes.
Traditionally male and female cats have often been neutered at six months of age, but this is after many cats reach sexual maturity and not based on any scientific rationale. For social, health and population control reasons, it is now recommended neutering should routinely take place at around 4 months of age.
Some animal charities can help cat owners on low incomes by contributing towards the cost of neutering.
For more information on the benefits of having your cat neutered, please visit our Neutering information page.
Flea treatment
Please telephone the clinic for advice on the range of treatments we offer to protect your cat against fleas and ticks . If your cat has not been seen by a vet in the past 12 months you will need to make an appointment with the clinic before prescription strength products can be dispensed.
For more information on how to protect your cat and your home from fleas and ticks please visit our Flea Control information page.
For the most comprehensive protection against roundworm, tapeworm and hookworm we recommend treating cats every 3 months.
Some worming treatments can be bought over the counter without your cat having to be checked by a vet first but other treatments are prescription-
If your cat is a regular hunter, treatment for worming is advisable once a month.
We offer a range of tablets and spot-
For more information on worming your cat please visit our Worming information page.
Dental treatment
Cats rarely show their owners signs of a dental problem so it is important that their teeth and gums are checked regularly. De-
Microchipping provides a permanent and unique way of easily identifying your cat. Each microchip has a unique identifier with details of the cat and the owner being registered on a database. Implanting the microchip is a one-
Whenever possible we prefer to implant the microchip when the cat is already under a general anaesthetic for another procedure (for example, neutering) as the needle used to insert the microchip is quite large.